Have you just had your Gender Scan but you are still worried you have been told the wrong gender?
We are here to help! Here at The Nub Tech's, you will have only the best look over your scan images, we have helped many parents feel reassured by the gender of their baby. So you can feel confident shopping for pink or blue.
Can you always trust your ultrasound scan results when it comes to the sex of your baby?
The simple answer is no. That’s right, unfortunately girl and boy predictions done by expert sonographers are not always correct 100% of the time. (Although they are right most of the time!)
A gender ultrasound is performed to see the sex of your baby. The ultrasound planes in which these are viewed in can vary. If the probe is pointed at a 90 degree angle from the ultrasound beam, and a boy has been predicted the sides of the head of the penis and urethra will look like 3 lines. This will obviously cause huge worry and wrongful predictions. The difference is the location in which the lines lie, see example below.
This detailed ultrasound scan, sometimes called the mid-pregnancy or anomaly scan, is usually carried out when you're between 18 and 21 weeks pregnant.
The 20-week scan is offered to everybody, but you do not have to have it if you do not want to. The scan checks the physical development of your baby, although it cannot pick up every condition. The 20-week scan is carried out in the same way as the 12-week scan. It produces a 2-dimensional (2-D) black and white image that gives only a side view of the baby. The NHS screening programme doesn't use 3-D or colour images.
The scan is a medical examination. You'll be asked to give your permission for it to be carried out. The 20-week scan looks in detail at the baby's bones, heart, brain, spinal cord, face, kidneys and abdomen.It allows the sonographer to look for 11 rare conditions. The scan only looks for these conditions, and cannot find everything that might be wrong. Although its extremely exciting finding out the gender of your little one we do always have to remember that the baby's health does come first.
You can feel totally re-assured that we will only confirm gender if labia and clitoris is identified or penis and scrotum. We will never assume just because you have been told what the gender is.
If we are not 99.9% confident then we will let you know, we will also email and explain that we may see the opposite to what you have been told at your scan.
Unfortunately at times we have told clients that their gender predicted during scanning has been incorrect.
No worries we will always do our very best to reassure you and make you feel confident in your baby's gender.
If you send in your 12 week scan images along with your 16/20 week images we will also check your baby's gender with the nub theory.
The nub theory alone holds an accuracy of 99.9% dependent on how clear your baby's nub is showing.

16 week side shot showing penis and scrotum fully developed. 99.9% accuracy

16 week side shot showing clitoris and labia developed. 99.9% accuracy

12 week side shot showing penis and scrotum in development. 99.9% accuracy

12 week side shot showing clitoris and labia in development. 99.9% accuracy